Preparing art work to decorate the school for the Queen’s Jubilee. The class used the outline/ image from the stamp and then filled this in using a Mondrian style.
P5 were tasked to create a poster entry for the Countryside Day Poster Competition. They worked in teams of 2 to create their own poster around Goal 15 Life on Land from the Sustainability Goals and had to think about the impact we have on the land around us as well as the impact changes to land may have on how we live. They also had to incorporate ways that we can look after the land and use it more sustainably. After some time to work on their concepts, the P5s then voted on the winning entry. Here are our winning team putting on some finishing touches to their fabulous poster.
P4/5 developing their problem solving skills and teamwork skills when working in groups to create a model cinema. They used images of early cinema buildings and set ups to create a model and compare it to their own experiences of the cinema. I’m very excited to see these finished :)
The P5s got together today to prepare a poster for the Countryside Day next week. They worked in partners or small groups to research impacts of deforestation, why it is important, the impacts we can have on the land and how we can help. Next, they used this information to inform their poster, trying to strike a balance of writing in words and images. Everyone worked really well together, lots of good teamwork.
The P4s spent a fun afternoon completing activities with Mrs Angus. As part of our History of Film/Cinema topic, we have been looking at some of the earliest moving images and what life was like around these times. Children compared this with their own experiences and have started to look at different sources of evidence for the past. Today though, they all had a go at making their own Zoetropes (an early form of motion projector that consisted of a drum containing a set of still images, that was turned in a circular fashion in order to create the illusion on motion, invented 1834 by William George Horner).
Everyone put lots of effort in to finish their Coat of Arms and complete their salvers. Lots of Creative Chloes!
After creating our salvers, children had an opportunity to share them with each other. Each person had a chance to share what images they chose for their Coat of Arms and why, and they all had to be a quality audience for each other.
P4/5 have started to look at objects from Abbotsford House. We reviewed and discussed a silver salver that Sir Walter Scott received as a gift that had his coat of arms inscribed on it and have started to research images and design our own coat of arms that represent us. Everyone was very creative and worked hard on the details :)
We have been using paintings/pictures, PowerPoint information and the search on our IPADs to find out about Sir Walter Scott. Using the information gathered, everyone has been working very hard on creating their own PowerPoint to share their learning. We look forward to sharing these when they are finished.
Miss DewarP4/5 Archives
June 2022