Everyone put lots of effort in to finish their Coat of Arms and complete their salvers. Lots of Creative Chloes!
After creating our salvers, children had an opportunity to share them with each other. Each person had a chance to share what images they chose for their Coat of Arms and why, and they all had to be a quality audience for each other.
P4/5 have refocussed our HWB learning on emotion works. Today, we looked at and discussed an overview of the 6 Cog Model and we began to make our own. This helps us to develop understanding of our emotions and strategies we could use and will be a great support for the children - a resource they can use to discuss scenarios and reflect on different situations.
P4/5 have started to look at objects from Abbotsford House. We reviewed and discussed a silver salver that Sir Walter Scott received as a gift that had his coat of arms inscribed on it and have started to research images and design our own coat of arms that represent us. Everyone was very creative and worked hard on the details :)
We have been using paintings/pictures, PowerPoint information and the search on our IPADs to find out about Sir Walter Scott. Using the information gathered, everyone has been working very hard on creating their own PowerPoint to share their learning. We look forward to sharing these when they are finished.
Miss DewarP4/5 Archives
June 2022