P4/5 developing their problem solving skills and teamwork skills when working in groups to create a model cinema. They used images of early cinema buildings and set ups to create a model and compare it to their own experiences of the cinema. I’m very excited to see these finished :)
Everyone took part in the Upper Floor Creativity Friday! They were all very engaged and excited to share what they had been doing when we all got back together in class :)
The Dogs Trust visited with the school. P4/5 had a workshop to learn about being safe around dogs and interacting with them in safe ways. Although some were disappointed not to have a dog in the class with the visitor, they listened really well, engaged in answering and asking lots of thoughtful questions and could tell me lots about it after :) The P5s got together today to prepare a poster for the Countryside Day next week. They worked in partners or small groups to research impacts of deforestation, why it is important, the impacts we can have on the land and how we can help. Next, they used this information to inform their poster, trying to strike a balance of writing in words and images. Everyone worked really well together, lots of good teamwork.
The P4s spent a fun afternoon completing activities with Mrs Angus. As part of our History of Film/Cinema topic, we have been looking at some of the earliest moving images and what life was like around these times. Children compared this with their own experiences and have started to look at different sources of evidence for the past. Today though, they all had a go at making their own Zoetropes (an early form of motion projector that consisted of a drum containing a set of still images, that was turned in a circular fashion in order to create the illusion on motion, invented 1834 by William George Horner).
Enjoying being part of the audience for the band Shooglenifty, listening to different music and showing some impressive moves!
Everyone put lots of effort in to finish their Coat of Arms and complete their salvers. Lots of Creative Chloes!
After creating our salvers, children had an opportunity to share them with each other. Each person had a chance to share what images they chose for their Coat of Arms and why, and they all had to be a quality audience for each other.
Miss DewarP4/5 Archives
June 2022