We use a range of resources such as puzzles, activity boards and games to help us learn our number bonds.
We use a wide range of resources to support our learning in numeracy and mathematics. We have been working hard on learning about number bonds to ten to help our mental maths skills. We have played board games, dice games and created floor puzzles.
We have been working on learning all about 3D shapes. We have been learning that 3D shapes are made up of 2D shapes. We have learned that we can split 3D shapes into 2 categories: prisms and pyramids. We have also learned that some 3D shapes stack and some roll, depending on whether they have flat faces or curved faces. Here are a few learning clips we have used: We regularly use our construction area to complete learning activities and challenges. This includes using Lego, Duplo, Megablocks and wooden blocks. Here are some of our masterpieces from this year so far: Here are some resources which we have used to inspire our learning: ![]()
This term we have been learning about 2D shapes.
We have been looking for them and learning how to recognise them, name them and describe them correctly. We have been learning vocabulary such as: - sides - corners - straight lines - curved lines - same/equal length - different length The shapes we have learned are: - circle - triangle - square - rectangle - semi-circle - pentagon - hexagon - octagon and we looked at heptagons too. We took part in a wide range of activities to help us learn about shapes: We continue to work on learning, ordering and recognising numbers. We are working on numbers to 100 and the kids love singing along to this song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGetqbqDVaA This week classes across the school have been learning about coding to celebrate EU Coding Week.
In our class we have learned a little bit about robots. Pupils in P2 designed their own robot and did some writing about it. All pupils learned about how robots are coded to follow instructions. We set up a grid in class and followed directions to learn about coding. There are some photographs of pupils learning about coding below. For extra resources and activities, please have a look at the EU coding website: https://codeweek.eu/resources/CodingAtHome Pupils received a maths week diary home today. I have filled in Monday-Thursday but left Friday-Sunday blank for you to fill in with your child.
You will notice the diary it not in order. This is so that pupils can work on their cutting skills then order the diary from Monday to Sunday as we have been learning days of the week. There is also a resource sheet attached which gives ideas of activities to do at home to support maths. Below are a few of the You Tube Songs that we use to help us learn our maths. Days of the Week Song | The Singing Walrus - YouTube Number song 1-20 for children | Counting numbers | The Singing Walrus - YouTube |
May 2022