This week classes across the school have been learning about coding to celebrate EU Coding Week.
In our class we have learned a little bit about robots. Pupils in P2 designed their own robot and did some writing about it. All pupils learned about how robots are coded to follow instructions. We set up a grid in class and followed directions to learn about coding. There are some photographs of pupils learning about coding below. For extra resources and activities, please have a look at the EU coding website:
Some useful links for letters and sounds:
Satipn songs/ Jolly phonics Phase 1 songs/ Jolly phonics phase 1/ - YouTube KIDS KNOWLEDGE (D) - YouTube 7 Song CK ck Jolly Phonics - YouTube Sound m | Letter M | Letter m | Jolly Phonics Song | Phonics for Kids | ABC Sounds | Learn to Read - YouTube Sound o | Letter O | Letter o | Jolly Phonics Song | Phonics for Kids | ABC Sounds | Learn to Read - YouTube KIDS KNOWLEDGE (E) - YouTube For P2 pupils: Jolly Phonics - /ai/ Sound - Short Song 🎵 - YouTube Jolly Phonics - /oa/ Sound - Short Song 🎵 - YouTube On a Monday we work with P1 for PE and Outdoor learning. We do lots of activities such as play together in the woodland and at the trim track, do obstacle courses, play on scooters, learn new games and play with the parachute.
We are very grateful to Aldi in Galashiels who generously donated our new helmets to keep us safe when riding the scooters. |
May 2022