At one of the stations we were to build a model with the base 10 cubes and after it was built we needed to count how much it was worth. My model was worth 1300 cubes!
At the domino station we took 6 dominos each and then in our jotter we made a chimney sum with them and we had to find the answer. We have also had a chance to estimate how many steps it takes to get from one place to another. The maths stations are helping me get better at my maths. written Logan Watkins There is a station where we do work sheets with Mrs Dagg and I like that station the best because she helps me with my maths. written Elizabeth Fomina
We are reading the Night Bus Hero as our class novel.So far we have read up to chapter 7 and so far it’s a interesting book it makes you want to know more. As you see in the picture we have been doing some writing based on the book. The work we have been doing was a diary about the main character Hector and the old trolley man who Hector and his friend have been bullying. We had to write about their feelings about different things that happened the activity got me thinking about the character’s feelings and emotions.
Written by Lauren Glen and Jamie Russell |
May 2022
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