What a challenge! First of all, we had to tackle the vocabulary in the question, the way it was worded was a little confusing! Once we did though, we made a plan and tested it out. After some trial and error, we found our answers :)
This week, everyone picked a category for their personal project. They could choose from:
Inventions Home School Sport Once they had selected, they had a quick look online to get an idea of what their category would be or contain and then decided if they wanted to do something general on this or if there was a specific area of interest they wanted to look at further. It was interesting to see their choices (I was surprised by a few!). Everyone has time (4 days a week) to practise their Basic Maths facts. We use games and flash cards to practise and sometimes even make our own problems on the whiteboard! Next week is assessment week where children will be able to see the progress they have made and start a new goal.
Everyone worked in pairs to read over a grid of statements and decide if each statement was true or false. Once completed, we went over the answers together and they were shocked at some of the things the found out! Especially that some children were sent to work and that they could be working for 12 hours in a day (double the amount of time they are in school!) Check with your child, see what other shocking facts they remember :)
Lots of engagement in this one! They all worked hard to find their answer and prove they had found all the options! We discovered six different ways to do this. When asked “what if there was four buttons?”, many children thought it would be eight options and were surprised to find there was actually 24!
We finished off our 6 Cog Models today and the children all wrote what they think it means. Now we will start to look at each area to develop our understanding before trying this task again. It will be interesting to see how their thoughts will change.
Lots of learning in our numeracy rotation today - building numbers using base 10 materials, place value, practising Basic Maths Facts to develop fluency and solving a variety of addition problems at the writing station.
P4/5 worked together to record what they already know about the Victorians, what they want to know and how they want to learn about it. They then made a Queen Victoria flip to learn some facts about Queen Victoria and made the link as to why this time in history is called the Victorian era. Lots of the facts were quite surprising!
P4/5 were introduced to the 6-Cog Model this week. The model supports discussion and learning about emotions and will be something we use in class. Over the next block, we will look at each part of the model and associated vocabulary to develop our understanding of this.
This weeks problem proved a little trickier! There was a lot of good discussion using ordinal language and experimenting with resources, we just had to remember we had to work it out from both ends!
Miss DewarP4/5 Class Teacher Archives
December 2022