On Thursday we visited Clifton Lodge farm near Kelso. Thank you to RHET and Ed & Anita for organising and having us. This was for many children their first trip with the school and our first as P2s. We had a brilliant time seeing all the animals (sheep, pigs, piglets, goats and chickens). We learned a lot about these animals as well as bees, the orchard and vegetable production. Following on from this visit we will be looking at Farm to Fork further in class. Thank you to the parents who came along to help.
We also got to sit on the tractor and we sang happy birthday to Drew! Below are some of the photos from our fantastic trip.
Here are our McCoos and Thistles. We used a range of materials to make our collage style thistles and used layering of crayons to make the colourful hairs on our coos. I’m sure you will agree that they are very effective. Our new islands inspired by Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay. What would you have on your island if you could choose? Zones of Regulation check in.
We have been enjoying music sessions with Mrs Borthwick over the last 2 weeks. It has been great fun learning some new songs and having fun!
In class we have also been some Scots songs like ‘3 craws’, ‘You cannae shuv you’re granny off a bus’ and ‘Culters Candy’. It’s been a busy week in P2. We had our first Roots of Empathy session and met baby Charlie for the first time.
We made some ducks for our story of the week Quick Quack Quentin. We had lots of fun before the Christmas holidays crafting, watching the polar express, going to the church and of course our Christmas Party!
This week we have been very busy keeping up with all our learning in phonics, maths and reading while squeezing in some Christmas Fun! We read the Christmas story and talked about why we celebrate Christmas.
Throughout the week we made some hot chocolate cones and gift tags. We made some little reindeer, Christmas cards and baubles using glass paint. We had a visit from Mrs Dagg and Anne from RHET who spoke to us about crops and farming, then we made some reindeer food to take home and put out in Christmas Eve. Our week was topped off by Lainey’s mum coming in to do some face painting for all the boys and girls. Mrs Rawlings from the nursery also helped out so no one missed out. They looked amazing and had huge smiles. (Thank you so much!) Finally we had a very special Christmas assembly planned by Miss Thorpe, with a special story read by Mr Guthrie, Mr Mitchell and Mrs Hamilton with some Christmas songs and festive cheer! It’s been a brilliant week. Primary 2 pupils really enjoyed some time spent with P6 to share a story or two. Lots of great listening and talking. Building positive relationships throughout the school.
On Monday we ventured out into the woodland. We used natural materials to create a tale. We also found some wrappers and plastic. We discussed the dangers of these to animals that might live in a woodland area. The children said that animals might mistake these for food and try to eat them that could cause them damage. They also said the might use them to make their homes. Here are a few photos of our creations.
This week our story of the week was Room On the Broom. we enjoyed reading this story and sequencing the characters onto the broom.
We made some spooky witch pictures on Monday for Halloween. In Emotion Works we were learning about the blue cog - regulation strategies. We made some cog flowers showing different way we would use to make ourself feel calmer or cheer us up. |
February 2023
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